Apples and Oranges

Apples and Oranges

Getting a new price for the maintenance of your fire equipment could mean your comparing apples with oranges. What does that mean? The saying goes that you cannot compare apples to oranges, why, because they are different fruit. The same goes when buying a product or...
How does a fire extinguisher work?

How does a fire extinguisher work?

Fire extinguishers are a portable piece of equipment designed to extinguish small fires. They are hand held and designed for first attack fire fighting. They are often used by the Fire Service to extinguish small fires so as to minimize damage from fire hoses. There...
New License of Testing of Fire Equipment

New License of Testing of Fire Equipment

New License of testing of fire equipment! Does your provider have one? The department of Consumer and Business Services has introduced a new license for the inspection and testing of water based fire systems. So what are water based fire protection systems? These are...