by michelleControl001 | Aug 29, 2017 | Hints and tips, News
SAMFS Storz coupling requirement letter
by michelleControl001 | Aug 28, 2017 | Hints and tips, News
In July the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS) released a letter advising the fire industry that they were recommending Storz fittings for all hydrants. Click here to download a copy of the letter. So what does that mean? Before we talk about the...
by michelleControl001 | Aug 16, 2017 | News
Have a Plan B! The Grenfell Tower was a 24 storey high rise residential apartment building housing up to 600 people. It only had a single stairwell to be used as an emergency exit. The stairwell was compromised (full of smoke) leaving residents with no safe...
by Nucleus | May 10, 2017 | News
The other day we were at a seminar presented by the Fire Protection Association (FPA) Australia regarding the new ASEs. (an ASE is the Alarm Signalling Equipment that communicates an alarm from your fire panel or sprinkler system to the fire service) Due to the NBN...
by Nucleus | May 10, 2017 | News
Emergency Plans- what do I need to do? Emergency Planning can be complicated or as simple as you need it to be. The most important thing to remember is that things always go smoother in an emergency if you have thought about what you are going to do before the...
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